Protractor Installation

1)  Check if nodejs exists
     cmd > node -v

    O/P: v0.10.0

     cmd > where node

    This means that nodejs is already present in your system  (usually the case with Win10)
      cmd> echo %PATH%
     It will show the same path as in the previous output. We need to remove this reference from   PATH    reference.
2) Download  nodejs from here and install
3) Confirm the installation again by cmd > node -v
4) Install Protractor
    cmd > npm install -g protractor
  -g means global installation

5) Check version
   cmd > protractor --version
6) Install webdriver-manager  which is a helper tool to easily get an instance of a Selenium Server running. Use it to download the necessary binaries with
cmd >   webdriver-manager update
 It will create a directory
It will look almost like this:
7) check Jasmine version
  cmd >  npm view jasmine version


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