What is TypeScript ?

The buzz word, what is TypeScript ?
1) TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
2) Developed and maintained by Microsoft
3) Adds optional static typing and class-based object-oriented programming to JavaScript.
4) As TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, any existing JavaScript programs are also valid TypeScript programs

TypeScript first showed up in 2012 and the latest stable release(2.3) was published on 27 April 2017 .
The popular JavaScript framework Angular 2.0 is written in TypeScript.In this article we will get started with writing basic programs in TypeScript using SublimeText

Here you go:
Step 1: Install node.js from here
Step 2: Install typescript npm install -g typescript
Step 3: Install TypeScript plug in
You can install the plugin in 2 ways:
  > Package Control --> Install Package --> TypeScript
  > Clone the repo directly into your Sublime plugin folder ("%APPDATA%\Sublime Text  3\Packages")
    The plugin provides 2 very important pieces of functionality:
     >  A build system to compile TypeScript to pure JavaScript
     >  True Intellisense.


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