python with Pandas

pandas is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with structured (tabular, multidimensional, potentially heterogeneous) and time series data both easy and intuitive.
In this article I will provide some snippets of how pandas can be used to read excel and json files.

pip install pandas
pip install xlrd
This is how my excel or csv file looks
 Now to read the file my code would look something like this
Note:: xlrd is important to read excel files. Pandas can read csv file without xlrd package

Now convert this into json as below:
This creates my.json file
Now the fun begins. We shall convert the json to html

#json read objectmy_read_json=pd.read_json("my.json")

#json to htmlpdhtml=pd.DataFrame.to_html(my_read_json)

#create html filemy_html = open('myHtml.html','w')

See you later..........


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