Performance testing with Taurus

Taurus is an open source automation framework for running various open source load testing tools and functional testing tools.Taurus supports Apache JMeter, the most popular open source load testing tool, Selenium, Gatling, The Grinder, and others. The default executor is JMeter

Installation: Click here
How does Taurus work:

Taurus Test configuration: This can be done in a yaml file or a json file. Here we will have a look into yaml file. The top level keys in configuration dictionary are as follows:

  • execution - main section, declares tools to be executed during run, scenarios to use, etc
  • reporting - analysis and reporting settings, list of reporting modules to process results
  • services - service modules configuration
  • scenarios - dictionary of scenario specifications with aliases, to be referred from executions
  • modules - list of classes to load and their respective settings
  • settings - some top-level settings for the tool
  • provisioning - advanced option, allows using resources other than local to have distributed high-load test, available if you have corresponding provider installed and configured
  • included-configs - this section allows to merge additional config files

The execution key has the following options:
  • concurrency - number of target concurrent virtual users
  • ramp-up - ramp-up time to reach target concurrency
  • hold-for - time to hold target concurrency
  • iterations - limit scenario iterations number
  • throughput - apply RPS shaper, limiting maximum RPS to throughput, requires ramp-up and/or hold-for
  • steps - allows users to apply stepping ramp-up for concurrency and rps, requires ramp-up
  • scenario - name of scenario that described in scenarios part (see below)
Lets do a test:

- concurrency: 10
hold-for: 2m30s
ramp-up: 1m
throughput: 5
steps: 5
scenario: quick-test

- url: ''
method: GET
label: blazedemo

got to command line and run bzt quick_test.yml -report
This will spin up taurus and start test execution



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